Sunday, 26 August 2018

Sharks Summary


                          Sharks Summary

This Summary is about Sharks So lets get started!
Related imageLets just start with their are more than 1,250 types of species of sharks in New Zealand and other places like Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.
Scientists are still looking into learning more about sharks but did you know a sharks unique patterns are just as unique as a humans fingerprint!!!
Even cooler than that, a shark is made of cartilage which is a type of elastic, rubbery bone.
Image result for fingerprint
Most people think Sharks are vicious and eat people off the bat but really more people die from drowning instead of being eaten by a Shark. 

Another fun fact is, like most animals in the animal kingdom a Female shark is larger than a Male shark.
If your getting bored don't worry one more fact.
Related imageIf you didn't know the largest shark in New Zealand is the Whale shark growing from 12 to 18 meters long, leaving the smallest shark.
The Pygmy shark can only stay under 27 centimeters.
All sharks feed on many things, making them have a huge appetite. Sharks are predators!, some sharks feed on very large meals like dolphin seals,  and marine mammals.
From big meals to small meals, eating crab, krill, little fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and plankton's.Image result for plankton fish

Continuing on their diet Sharks also have a acute sense of smell allowing them to detect blood from meters away. 
Along with other amazing abilities that sharks have we have to end this Summary so...
Image result for bye

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Up Cloudy Mountain paragraph

We read a book in our workshop and were asked to make a couple paragraphs of how you think the story started. 
Please can you give me some feedback on my story and what you though about it. 

Lilac rose slowly. She gazed out the window, the sun washed over her face making her eyes burn.
She realized that it was Saturday and there was NO SCHOOL... WAIT the thought pierced her hard. Lilac had been dreading this day for ages.
It was the Trek Day. NOOOO she screamed as her Grandad slammed open the door and pronounced "Happy Trek Day".