Thursday, 22 November 2018

My Deadly Adventure

My goal is punctuation and i’m working on semicolons!
My Deadly Adventure!!!
I stood there in shock. I was finally in front of the rumoured to be haunted Butler’s mansion. A stupid dare had lead me here; to be honest the house really did give me the creeps.

The sky was dark like ink at the bottom of the ocean; it was as silent as a mouse. A breeze of whispering wind took me by surprise and lifted my hair high.

The atmosphere was strange.
A spiky gate stared across from me; it was covered in black slimy liquid, I examined it, it oozed off my fingers and onto the gravel with a plop!!!!

The rotten, rusty, ancient gate blew open from the roaring gust of wind, I poked my head through the gate and took one step forward.

I peered up to the roof, some creepy gargulas stared back crouching on the balcony.
Some spikes were popping out of the wall transforming into torches that lit up the rotten peeling walls. I slowly tip-toed up the steps while they cracked underneath of me. My mind racing and my heart beating with anxiety and trepidation.

My legs wouldn’t move; my body began to burn, I was to freaked out to go any further.
I heard a creak, I raised my head to the nailed down cellar doors; they had moved an inch. I stopped in my tracks...

Cobwebs were shredded all across the floor… Then I wondered, how did those doors fly open when they were nailed shut. The barrier of wood planks collapsed off the door handles making a large thud!


Monday, 15 October 2018

The Fainted

Based on true events!
   The Fainted

A zap of electricity shook my body….
My brain was fizzing, my body was broke and
my vision was black.

I saw stars, colorful stars light up the sky…
well what I thought was a sky at least.

I had fainted, I think, or maybe I was just

The stars disappeared. The black went gray.

A blur started. The blur went away and I finally
could see again, not well though. Suddenly a light
shone and I woke up in my
Dad’s arms..

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Sharks Summary


                          Sharks Summary

This Summary is about Sharks So lets get started!
Related imageLets just start with their are more than 1,250 types of species of sharks in New Zealand and other places like Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga.
Scientists are still looking into learning more about sharks but did you know a sharks unique patterns are just as unique as a humans fingerprint!!!
Even cooler than that, a shark is made of cartilage which is a type of elastic, rubbery bone.
Image result for fingerprint
Most people think Sharks are vicious and eat people off the bat but really more people die from drowning instead of being eaten by a Shark. 

Another fun fact is, like most animals in the animal kingdom a Female shark is larger than a Male shark.
If your getting bored don't worry one more fact.
Related imageIf you didn't know the largest shark in New Zealand is the Whale shark growing from 12 to 18 meters long, leaving the smallest shark.
The Pygmy shark can only stay under 27 centimeters.
All sharks feed on many things, making them have a huge appetite. Sharks are predators!, some sharks feed on very large meals like dolphin seals,  and marine mammals.
From big meals to small meals, eating crab, krill, little fish, crustaceans, mollusks, and plankton's.Image result for plankton fish

Continuing on their diet Sharks also have a acute sense of smell allowing them to detect blood from meters away. 
Along with other amazing abilities that sharks have we have to end this Summary so...
Image result for bye

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Up Cloudy Mountain paragraph

We read a book in our workshop and were asked to make a couple paragraphs of how you think the story started. 
Please can you give me some feedback on my story and what you though about it. 

Lilac rose slowly. She gazed out the window, the sun washed over her face making her eyes burn.
She realized that it was Saturday and there was NO SCHOOL... WAIT the thought pierced her hard. Lilac had been dreading this day for ages.
It was the Trek Day. NOOOO she screamed as her Grandad slammed open the door and pronounced "Happy Trek Day".

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Llama Info Report

Llama Info Report

Did you know that a Llama is a South American relative of the

Even though they don’t have humps they were used as pack
animals for centuries, usually carrying up to 50 to 75 pounds.
In kilograms that would be 50=22.6796,

Llama’s also make good sheepdogs for guiding sheep herds to
their pens!?

Self defense

When Llama’s get angry or pushed to the point where they can spit,
hiss, or even kick at their owners to hop away from them and give
them some space to calm down.


Llama’s graze on grass and, like cows they regurgitate their food
and chew it as cud. They chomp on the cud before fully digesting it then starting a new batch.

Llama’s can survive by eating most sorts of plants,
they also need to drink lots of water.

Terrain and Hide

Llama’s are usually found in sparse mountain terrain and savanna's.

People use Llama’s hide to make leather, and their wool is crafted into
ropes, fabric and carpets.
Llama’s can serve their human owners, yes people slaughter them
and eat their meat.

And on that sad note here are some
Llama jokes!

What did the pellet say to the Llama??
Don’t eat me!!!!!!!!!

What’s the difference between a Llama and an Alpaca??
Alpaca’s have more dark meat!!!!!

Monday, 25 June 2018


I am starting a new Passion project, I have already done the plan for it and looked up what my resources are.

I going to make an Inspire Board, I'm going to buy some sticky notes, colored beads,Wash-i tape and string and design the outside of a cork board that I will also buy,
I'm going to write down quotes,jokes and stuff to do when your bored on the sticky notes and then pin them with some push pins.

I may also put some drawings on the board just to jazz it up a bit.

I'll be taking mine home after I have completed it, and maybe be adding to it along the way.
I have only 2 weeks to finish it and I haven't even brought the materials yet!!!

I hope I get it done in time and it looks like I wanted it to, and I'll make a blog post later about what it looked like in the end.

These pictures are sort of what it will look like...

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

Coffee Info Report

                         Coffee Info Report                          

Did you know that coffee was discovered in the year 1671 well the coffee beans at least, (that's over 300 years old!!!).

The story goes that an Ethiopian goat herd discovered coffee when he noticed how excited his goats got when he fed them beans from a coffee plant, and from that day on coffee began.

People started drinking coffee in 1773 from an American Boston tea party that made the switch from tea to coffee.

Coffee originated from Ethiopia, the earliest substantiated evidence of either coffee drinkers or knowledge about the coffee trees come from the 15th century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen.

There are many different types of coffees, 
here are the standard ones:

Flat white and 
Long black.

How does coffee help with your benefits and health?? Well I've got the answer for you!
Coffee can help you cut pain, if you drink two cups of coffee it can cut-post workout  muscle pain from up to 48%.

The benefits associated with drinking coffee can protect you from getting type 2 diabetes, liver disease, liver cancer, and Parkinson disease.  

In particular, while coffee can help protect us from several diseases and can give us a temporary boost in energy and performance, drinking it everyday can change our brain functionality during the time we don't have caffeine in our system, it can impair our mood, worsen our performance and lower our energy levels.

The highest amount of cups of coffee a day should be 6 or less. 

How it's made:
Coffee is a brewed drink prepared out of roasted coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from a Coffea plant.

Image result for coffee

The roasted coffee beans are ground and brewed with boiling water to produce as a beverage.

Now here are a couple jokes about COFFEE!!!!

If you can't say anything nice, you obviously haven't had your coffee yet.

How do you feel when there is no coffee?

"I don't have a problem with caffeine, I have a problem without it"

Image result for coffee


Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Seasons poem

   My writing goal is Structure and Language
Seasons Poem

Spring is here. Spring is here,
Flowers are blooming everywhere,
and people are in such happy cheer.

I wish the flowers would last forever,
and the bees honey is better than ever.

Baby birds are hatching, and learning how to sing,
That gives them clues that Spring is about to fling.

Summer is here, Summer is hot.
The sky is bright blue and the sun has made many hotspots.

Summer fun is eating outside and having an amazing tree-swing ride!
As well as having BBQ’s,
Putting the hammock up and having a snooze.

Leaves are falling all around me, jumping in the leaf piles, heart full of glee.

Beautiful colored leaves flying off of trees, while I’m inside having a cup of Pumpkin spice tea.
When spikey grass is turning brown,
And Autumn leaves are floating down, I dance with them on the street, then scuffle through them with my feet.

Eager children grab sleighs and slide down hills,
Freezing cold but yet the wind stays still.
Huddling up to the fire with a hot chocolate in mittens,
And warming up to my bundle of kittens.

Trees cold and bare filling up with gallons of snow,
And at night whistling winds and the inky sky that makes the stars glow.


Monday, 11 June 2018

Passion Project Dog Toy

                 Passion Project Dog Toy

My Passion Project was to make two dog toys for my dog Bella.
A Passion project is where you have to make something with your own resources, money and have to make\build it at school, I wanted to make dog toys for my dog because even though she has a lot already she can never have too many.

You got to choose between doing Girl Tech or Passion project, and of course I picked Passion project.
I was just intrigued to do a Passion project since I hadn't done one before and that the whole decision was up to me and what I could make.

First you had to pitch your idea to a group, pitch means to tell someone your idea and add detail, then you had to fill out a sheet on paper about what resources you will need, what questions you need to answer, and your Timeline.

A Timeline is filling out at the start of each week what tasks you will need to get done in order to make your Passion project work.

My first idea of a dog toy was to make a rope for her to chew on, so I did some research for what materials I'll need and what will be safe for her to chew on?
I bought the materials on the weekend with my Mum and then took them to school the next day, I looked at a couple tutorials on YouTube then started to create.

I made my first dog toy in day one of bringing my resources to school, The idea was to cut holes in a tennis ball then plait a T-shirt then stick the T-shirt through the ball holes, it looked like this in the end.

The next day I started to make the second dog toy, it was just a regular rope toy, with yellow rope tied around it, I actually used the remains of some of the plaited T-shirt to hold the rope in place and make it straight.

Right now my dog Bella is loving playing with these toys, and I also made two more long rope toys for her at home since she liked them so much.
I think I learnt a lot for this experience like:

How to make the toys?
What resources you will need?
What resources will be safe for her to chew on?
How long it would take me to make them?
How tight should the rope be?
What was my Timeline?
And questions like that.

The process only took me 3 and a half weeks to make, one day to get all the resources, 2 and a half days to make the toys, and a whole week to research, 
I really liked my Passion project and think I will want to do another one in the future.

Here are some more photo's of my dog playing with her toys!

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

The Cursed Amy

The Cursed Amy Chapter story

Click up here to view my Literacy Passion Project Chapter story!

I hope you enjoy my story I worked on it for so long :) My goal was paragraphs. I used paragraphs in the story when it changed time, place or subject.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Wall Worthy Painting

This is our finished product of our Wall worthy painting we hope you like it!