This is a book I read from the library stand and now I'm sharing it with you. I really liked it because it was silly and funny.
If you look closely you'll agree,
There are some silly sights to see.
Silly people passing by
Have silly walks
That you can try!
Silly ears
And silly necks,
Silly noses,
Silly specs.
Silly beards
And silly teeth,
Silly things worn underneath.
Silly hats are there to hide
Some very silly heads inside!
And have you seen
How odd it gets
When silly folks look like there pets?
Silly zebras,
Silly bears,
Silly sharks
And some silly hares.
My best friend, silly ernie Klapp,
Built himself a big mole trap.
The moles had made a bigger kind
And quickly caught him from behind.
Some silly people like to fly,
I've never known the reason why.
Babies eat some silly things,
Like flies with wriggly legs and wings.
But grown - ups eat them just as well,
Like wriggly frogs
And snails that smell.
My uncle billy ate some fire.
His temperature went higher and higher!
But auntie got the teapot spout and put poor silly billy out!
His friend, the nabob of nymphilly,
Has forty wives and all we're silly.
They tickled him and not one stopped until the poor old nabob popped! POP
Don't play silly party tricks and scare your friends out of there wits ...
With silly masks
And silly sheets,
For they can cause some silly shrieks! EEEEEK
I hate being dressed in silly best,
With collar and cuffs all frilly.
I'd rather wear my plain wool suit...
It doesn't look as silly!